Hi! Most people just call me Jos. If you haven't noticed already, I'm a graphic designer. I graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a Bachelor's in Graphic Design and a minor in Graphic Communication last year. I currently work full-time at 24G, a digital experience agency, and right now I call Ferndale, Michigan my home.
I have a passion for bright, rich colors and interesting contrasts and strive to create powerful and eye-catching work. I work in a wide variety of image-making techniques including illustration, textures, photography, video editing, silhouettes, patterning, animation, digital manipulation, and more. My overall design interest is in building and creating within cohesive design systems. I love experimenting and having fun within design and find one of my biggest strengths to be my adaptable and ever-changing style.
My professional experience varies from designing a book cover for an EMU professor to interning at one of the largest broadcast television companies. I have industry experience within print, digital, social, web, and motion work. I've taken a wide variety of design classes, from identity and branding to typography and web design. And in my spare time, I like beefing up my illustration skills.
Aside from (constantly) creating, I love funky indie music, hammocking, photography, mountain travels, buying too many pink clothes, chasing sunsets, collecting plants, and endlessly decorating my house with colorful decor and thrift store finds. Follow me on my design Instagram @jos.dsgn.
Feel free to contact me by email with any questions or inquires about hiring/collaboration at jos@joslynwiles.com.